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Monday, March 21, 2011

Book Fair!!!

Mark your calendars: April 18-21

Will be the next book fair. It will be in Ms. Waugh's old classroom. Students from Div 1 will be helping out with this one as Div 2 students helped with the fall book fair. There should be some very exciting new titles for all levels of readers. Make sure you visit the book fair.

Spring Break Activities....

Not sure what to do over your break, make sure you check out the links I have listed under the Recreation tab. There are loads of great ideas, fun activities, and awesome clubs to join!!

Need something to read.... look at all the authors webpages I have listed, great authors that might encourage you to pick up their books. There are also links to many newspapers under the tab called In the News.

Not sure where to get a book over the break?? Check out the links under the tab Booklinks, stores and libraries are there.

Want to pass some time on the my blog, check out the online games.....

Enjoy your break!!

EHL - Errington Hockey League!!!

Yes it is back, after a few weeks off because of basketball and student conferences we are back on for our Thursday after school hockey club.

Dates: Thursdays
Time: 2:45-3:45
Open to: All grade 6 and 7 students

You must sign-up for your spot to play. The sign-up sheet is in the library. Mr Shuto and Mr. Jackson are looking forward to finishing the year with some great ball hockey in the gym!!!

Div 1 Book Reviews - Click Here